Posts tagged russia
Martin Armstrong - It's just time for the silent majority to awaken (English)

Martin Armstrong returns for an interview on the foreign and domestic policies currently rolled out in the U.S. and on their implications for the international order. Can they technically balance the budget of the next fiscal year?

We talk the economical situation in the EU, the upcoming German elections, NATO, BRICS, the outlook for war and the initiatives for peace with Russia. Spread the love.

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The Plot to Seize Russia - Martin Armstrong (English)

Historian and Economist Martin Armstrong, as a computer programmer created the system called socrates that analyses history, current affairs and the flow of money and extrapolates to what may lie ahead. It gave him the nickname ‘the Forecaster’ and a documentary that to this day is forbidden in the USA. Armstrong through FOIA retreived information from the Clinton Library about what happened after the Soviet Union fell. He’s written that down in a book called ‘the Plot to Seize Russia. In this interview we discuss his upcoming book, the current state of collapsing global finance and the inescapable war on Russia as a result of that..

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