London Report - 23 / 26 February 2020 (English)
February 21 2020:
Dutch spoken column
On July 3rd 2013 Evo Morales, then president of Bolivia flew back home after a trip to Moscow. Upon his departure he jokingly said that he thought about taking Edward Snowden home with him. Snowden was stuck at the time in Moscow airport, on transit flying out of Hong Kong where he met with journalists to do his whistleblowing on the NSA. Snowden was in Moscow in the process of seeking political asylum.
With the diplomatic flight of Morales already airborne France, Spain and Portugal closed their airspace to it. The aircraft was forced to land in Vienna, Austria where it was to undergo a mandatory search. Only when Snowden proved not to be on board was the flight allowed to proceed home.
It was a rare day on which the might and rot of the empire fully exposed itself in pursuit of one individual. On that day France, Spain, Portugal and Austria along with the European Union and all countries that did not object, failed to uphold international rule of law and went along with the abuse of power in pursuit of a whistleblower that dared stand up to speak truth.
We now have another such situation with the extradition case of Julian Assange.
It was not just the United Kingdom, Sweden and Ecuador that were working with the United States in the arbitrary detention and torture of Assange. It was all the countries that make up the United Nations that have allowed it to take place and carry on for years. Monday February 24th the extradition trial of Assange is about to start in a United Kingdoms’ Crown Court. This time they’re after the publisher that dared exposed warcrimes, stand up and speak truth.
I'll be in London Sunday through Wednesday to citizen report on the trial. Look me up if you’re there too and want to be part of it
Reports are in English, collected on (bookmark it) and posted them through @potkaars, @cafeweltschmerz, and @noJulian4US will do live periscope broadcasts
I hope to see you there