Conversations - Tareq Haddad

Tareq Haddad worked for Newsweek until late 2019 he wrote a well researched piece about OPCW’s report on the Douma Syria 2018 incident and on Bellingcat. After Newsweek not wanting to publish, he decided to choose his journalistic integrity over the job for a major publisher, and quit.

Sounds like a true journalist? It did to me. I reached out and invited Tareq to be part of my new years eve podcast and talk about it. He accepted, together with Hrvoje Moric of the Geopolitics and Empire podcast and Eric van de Beek for a segment on that doctored OPCW report on Douma, on Newsweek and Bellingcat. It’s on the internet here:

Then two days into the new year some new very depressing news hit. The US killed a high ranking Iranian general in Iraq, very worrysome. To my joy though I noticed Hrvoje interviewing Tareq about it! They only just met on my show. I guess I managed to connect two cool people? That interview is up here:

January 3rd Tareq wrote to me: ‘Despite the serious and dangerous times we are in, I have to say that your podcast gave me hope and also much inspiration. As a result, I have decided to start my own and I would like to have you as the first guest.’

We recorded yesterday. We talked about some of the guests I had on my show, but also on Left vs. Right, about the devide in society, Jordan Peterson and many other topics.
He’d bought his own candle and decided to start his own podcast called ‘conversations’.
It just got published to his new channel. That’s a message of hope right there.

Please all follow and support Tareq and have more conversations!
